Can You Trust AI to Handle Recruitment?

AI hand grabs blocks with human icons

With recruitment becoming increasingly challenging, organizations large and small are looking for innovative ways to simplify the process of hiring great talent. Based on our experience, artificial intelligence (AI) has been a game-changer for many companies trying to navigate the complexities of modern hiring.

Imagine if AI could deliver a shortlist of ideal candidates, saving you from combing through endless resumes or sitting through interviews with less-than-ideal applicants. This scenario isn’t just wishful thinking—it’s becoming increasingly common as AI takes on a bigger role in recruitment. But should you completely rely on AI to handle your recruitment needs? Before making that decision, here’s what we’ve learned and what you need to know.

But First…What Is AI Recruiting?

AI recruiting is the process of using artificial intelligence to facilitate steps in your hiring process. It may sound foreign, but chances are you’re already using some of it. For example, If you’ve ever looked at a suggested candidate on Indeed, you were paired up based on the specific words and phrases in their resume and your job posting. We’ve gotten used to using this basic algorithm that analyzes text between the two listings, but new AI tools go much farther in mimicking human intelligence.

Not only does AI match candidates on paper, but it can book interviews, call and administer a phone interview, record and analyze the answers, and upload them into your applicant tracking system. If you haven’t already experienced an AI “recruiter,” it’s worth checking out. The software sounds and responds like a human on the phone, with the potential to save countless hours and costs associated with initial applicant screenings.

Is AI Recruiting Here to Stay?

You might be thinking…can I trust a machine? Well, the answer is yes. But only to a certain extent. The hardest part of hiring a new employee is trying to find them in the first place! Going through a large number of resumes day after day isn’t just tiring; it’s inefficient. Recruiters and talent acquisition teams are no longer required to sort through stacks of resumes, hoping to find a match. Instead, the matches come right to them.

The use of artificial intelligence in hiring is not going away. In fact, it’s rapidly picking up steam. According to Workable’s 2024 AI in Hiring Survey, nearly two out of three recruiters have used some form of AI in hiring within the last year. Nine out of ten say AI has expedited their hiring, while 78% say it has saved them money. 

How Recruiters Are Currently Using AI

The use cases for AI in a recruiting capacity are multifaceted. Machine learning technology has the power to automate tasks, assess candidate aptitude with a high degree of accuracy, and even intelligently predict when certain professionals are likely to be job searching. 

Here are just a few of the top ways recruiters are leveraging AI:

  • Screening applications. It can scan resumes and job applications, matching candidates’ qualifications with job criteria.
  • Identifying strong-fitting candidates. AI can analyze job descriptions and comb through candidate databases to identify individuals who are a likely fit. 
  • Scheduling interviews. The manual tasks associated with finding and selecting a suitable interview time can be largely eliminated. 
  • Developing interview questions. Machine learning tools can develop highly tailored interview questions by using the job description and other inputs as a guide.
  • Analyzing interviews. Natural language processing and facial analysis tools can help identify soft skills and assess candidates’ personalities. 
  • Handling candidate communications. From automated email messaging to chatbots that answer frequently asked questions, AI can help keep candidates engaged at every stage of the hiring process.
  • Conducting pre-employment assessments. It keeps the hiring process moving by distributing and administering skills tests and other forms of pre-employment assessments.
  • Initiating background and reference checks. AI technology can integrate seamlessly with other hiring tools, like reference and background check software, to complete all the necessary pre-hire steps. 
  • Analyzing recruitment data. Recruitment produces a wealth of data that AI can help analyze to uncover opportunities to reduce costs, accelerate hiring, tap into new talent pools, make more compelling job offers, and much more.

But is AI right for you…at least right now?

Let’s look deeper into its advantages and disadvantages in recruiting to help you decide.

List of pros and cons of using AI in recruiting

The Benefits of Using AI in Recruitment

Saves time

The traditional hiring process takes days – if not months. Professional positions can take as long as 60 days to fill, and hiring managers spend valuable hours searching through resumes, pre-screening candidates, doing interviews, and more. Automating tasks saves you time, which, in turn, can save you money.

Related: Ways to Reduce Your Average Time to Hire

Improves hiring accuracy

Since only about 50% of hires are successful, being able to hire better should always be a priority. It costs money and time to onboard someone, and if they leave within the first year, that’s money down the drain. AI recruitment software can improve the chances of hiring success.

Related: Is ChatGPT the Future of the Workforce?

Reduces bias

AI-powered screening processes can reduce human bias by filtering candidates based on the aspects that matter for success, like skills and prior experience, rather than forming impressions based on factors like gender, ethnicity, or age. 

Frees up human capacity

Tasks like sending emails back and forth to schedule and remind candidates of interviews are not the best use of recruiters’ time. By using AI to manage repetitive, time-consuming tasks, recruiters can focus more on activities like speaking with candidates and brainstorming creative ways to reach new talent.  

Promotes consistency 

One of the more challenging parts of hiring, especially at scale, is providing a consistent experience from one candidate to the next. AI can help streamline processes and ensure equity, which creates a better, more consistent candidate experience. 

Simplifies planning

AI’s unmatched predictive capabilities allow companies to project which roles they’ll need to hire for intelligently and when. This enables more proactive hiring and simpler succession planning, strengthening an organization’s stability. 

Disadvantages of Using AI Tools in Recruiting

Though working with AI has many advantages, we have also encountered many disadvantages. Here is what we have found:

Lack of human touch

Despite the incredible advancements in recent years, the software doesn’t screen candidates as effectively as humans do. At least not yet.

Plus, a resume and an initial interview only scratch the surface of who a candidate truly is. While hiring for skills is necessary, ensuring there’s a match when it comes to things like culture, work environment, and personality (to name a few) is equally important. AI can’t assess much beyond technical abilities, so human screening is best when you want someone who will fit in and thrive with the team.

For example, imagine you’re hiring for a role that requires technical expertise and a strong alignment with your company’s collaborative culture. AI might filter resumes for keywords like “JavaScript” or “project management,” but it won’t detect a candidate’s soft skills, adaptability, or enthusiasm for teamwork.

I experienced this firsthand when our AI-powered recruitment tool flagged a candidate as a perfect technical fit for a project lead position. However, after a personal interview, it became clear that while the candidate had the right qualifications based on their resume, they lacked the interpersonal qualities crucial for thriving in our client’s highly collaborative environment. This was something AI couldn’t catch—and it reinforced the importance of blending technology with human intuition.

Related: Reasons Why Culture Fit is Important for Your Hiring Strategy

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Resistance to change

Though AI is becoming a more popular recruiting tool, it’s not as easy as it may sound. Not only is there a large deal of skepticism amongst HR managers who may have to switch from traditional recruitment to AI recruitment, but this software can be difficult to navigate and understand.

Implementation costs

Though AI can potentially reduce hiring costs in the long run, its systems can come with sizable up-front costs. This is especially true for custom-built systems. Small- to medium-sized businesses may find it financially prohibitive to adopt AI recruiting technologies. 

Data security concerns

AI recruiting systems process massive amounts of candidate data, some of which is sensitive and all of which must be securely stored, managed, and accessed. If companies fail to handle data securely, it could lead to a breach and result in legal trouble. 

Potential to alienate diverse candidates

Though AI algorithms are getting more advanced by the day, they still tend to prioritize candidates with traditional, direct career paths. This can potentially exclude candidates who are just as capable of performing the job, but who have taken a less direct path to get to where they are in their career or have had more obscure job titles.

We encountered this recently when recruiting for a marketing leadership role. One candidate, who had years of valuable experience running successful marketing campaigns, had a background as a “Brand Storyteller” and later as a “Customer Engagement Strategist”—titles that didn’t perfectly match the traditional marketing ladder. While AI might have filtered out this candidate due to non-standard job titles, our team recognized their strategic thinking, creative vision, and leadership qualities. After a personal interview, it became clear they were qualified and a standout candidate who brought a fresh perspective to the role.

We Believe Recruiting Still Needs a Human Touch

When you hire someone new, you want them to be the perfect fit—someone who not only excels at the job but also aligns with your company’s values and culture. After all, hiring is an investment in time and resources, and it’s crucial to get it right. While AI can assist with certain aspects of recruitment, only 7% of hiring managers believe that AI can fully replicate what they do.

At 4 Corner, we have purposely built our business around a personal touch because we know that finding the right employee is about much more than just ticking boxes on a resume. It’s about understanding your company’s unique needs, culture, and long-term goals. Our personalized approach allows us to dive deep into what makes your company stand out, and we tailor our recruitment strategies accordingly. That’s why we’re known as one of the top recruiting and staffing firms in the nation—we don’t just help you fill a role; we help you find an employee who will stay, thrive, and grow with your business.

By combining our industry expertise with a focus on human connection, we ensure your company attracts the right talent, standing out in the crowded hiring landscape. When you work with us, you’re not just getting candidates—you’re getting the perfect fit, every time.

Contact us today to see how our expert team of recruiters can help you.

Peter Porebski

About Peter Porebski

Peter Porebski is the Operations Manager at 4 Corner resources. A graduate of the University of Central Florida he has over 10 years of operations and process improvement experience with 7 being in the Human resources and staffing industry. In previous roles he worked to manage and analyze production flow trends and determine areas of improvement in quality control for the commercial retail industry. His areas of interest include web development, information technology, data analysis and reporting. He lives in Orlando, Florida with his wife and two cats.