One-way interviews are pre-recorded interviews that allow the hiring process to be sped up. One of the most challenging things about hiring is trying to find times that work for both the company and the interviewee. If the potential hire currently has employment elsewhere, taking time off to come in for a video or in-person…
How to Write an Interview Invitation Email (With Templates)
You’ve found a candidate who looks great on paper, and you’re eager to speak with them one one-on-one. But let’s be honest: nailing down and confirming an interview time can be like pulling teeth, even with the most conscientious candidates. Email templates can make the process of setting up interviews less tedious and more convenient…
The Best & Worst Interview Questions to Ask Candidates
As a hiring manager or recruiter, it’s important to maintain a high level of professionalism when interviewing candidates. Knowing the best interview questions to ask candidates and which questions to avoid can make or break your hiring process. We commend you for taking the time to read this article. It shows that you care about…
Top Personality Interview Questions to Ask Candidates
An employee’s personality can make or break their ability to be a successful team member. Personality influences how a worker makes decisions, interacts with others, juggles projects, and more, which makes it a necessary facet to address when hiring. Personality interview questions can help you uncover important characteristics, preferences, and soft skills that can ultimately…
What is Topgrading Interviewing?
We all want to avoid hiring mistakes. The question is, are you using a hiring methodology that sets you up for success? Accurate hiring requires a singular focus on finding the best talent, which requires more than just one recruiter looking through a stack of resumes. We’ll explore an interviewing strategy that can help you evaluate…
How to Be a Good Interviewer: 8 Strategies
Interviews are one of the most important aspects of selecting the right candidate for a job. Not only does the interview help you validate a candidate’s skills and assess culture fit, but it also impacts the candidate’s experience and their impression of your organization. Thus, your interview skills have an outsized impact on your operational success.…
How to Conduct a Phone Interview (Do’s and Don’ts)
Whether you’re a Recruiter or Hiring Manager, knowing how to conduct a phone interview is an essential part of the screening process. In a matter of 30 minutes, you can uncover whether or not a candidate has the right skills and experience for the job. However, you can also gauge other vital factors, such as…
The Best Interview Questions to Ask IT Candidates
Conducting an IT job interview presents a unique challenge. You need to cover all the standard interview topics like the candidate’s background, qualifications, and career goals while assessing whether they’re a good culture fit. But an IT interview also comes with the added layer of diving deep into a candidate’s technical expertise to determine whether…
Top Marketing Interview Questions to Ask Candidates
If you have an open position on your marketing team that you need to fill, it can take time to find the right person for the job and the team. The interview process is an excellent way to narrow the field and zone in on the candidate you want to hire. Different companies look for…
9 Creative Interview Questions to Ask Candidates
Creative interview questions seem like a fun and unexpected way to shake up the age-old hiring process. In a competitive market, you might be looking for methods to differentiate candidates from one another and allow the top contenders to rise above the rest. Do unique interview questions actually help you identify great candidates, or are they…
12 Emotional Intelligence Interview Questions to Ask Candidates
When interviewing candidates to hire, employers always ask regular interview questions, like their strengths and weaknesses or why they want to work for the company. However, candidates are used to hearing these questions in every interview that they attend. You end up getting cliche answers that don’t tell you much about the candidate at all. As…
15 Questions to Ask Finance Professionals in an Interview
If you want to hire the best finance talent, you need to start with the best finance interview questions. The ideal finance interview includes a mix of questions to ask finance professionals about their understanding of the field, technical skills, and soft skills that will help them succeed in the role. Your technical questions should…
The Best Behavioral Interview Questions to Ask Candidates
When it comes to finding the best candidate for your job, the interview is the most valuable piece of the hiring process. It’s a chance to learn about a candidate’s qualifications for the hard skills the role requires, assess their soft skills, and get a feel for their personality. To get the most out of…