Young female professional on her iPad sitting at her desk smiling looking up how to withdraw from an interview

It can happen to any job seeker who is in the market for a new role and applying for positions with multiple employers. You’re making your way through the recruiting process with one company when a different employer—your top choice, who you interviewed with earlier—comes through with a job offer.

Or, here’s another scenario. You have an initial interview but realize that the position or company isn’t what you thought it would be—or that the company culture is much different from what you are seeking. What do you do? You’re in a great position, but your next move will have a lasting impact on your professional reputation. 

Knowing how to cancel a scheduled interview is an essential skill for anyone in the job market, as it’s a scenario you’ll likely encounter at least once in your career. But it’s not something most people talk about.

Except for professional recruiters! My team talks about it a lot because we know how frequently it happens. While an interview process may seem one-sided, with the employer calling all the shots, nothing could be farther from the truth. Instead, the candidates have the ultimate power to decide whether they want to proceed from one step to the next.

Knowing how often candidates withdraw from an interview process, comes with also being aware of how often it’s handled poorly. While this applies to both sides (and trust me when I say that many companies do a terrible job of communicating with candidates), this article is focused on making sure you handle it the right way as a job seeker. Why? Because showing courtesy and professionalism are important and necessary when it comes to protecting your reputation.

As one of my old managers used to say, “It’s a round world.” Over the years, I’ve realized how true that is when it comes to professional relationships. The good news is it doesn’t take much time and effort to do things the right way—just a little planning and foresight. Let’s explore how you can efficiently decline a job interview or remove yourself from consideration as a candidate without burning bridges.

The Dos and Don’ts of Withdrawing From an Interview

As mentioned above, I’ve seen countless examples—good and bad—of how applicants, candidates, and employers choose to withdraw from the interview process. Here are two first-hand examples—one good, one bad.

A good example of how to cancel an interview

My staffing company was working with a candidate who was interviewing for a position with one of our clients. Things were moving along well until the candidate called our office 24 hours before the final interview to inform us that they had accepted an offer with another company. The candidate also sent an email to us but addressed it to the hiring manager. This message thanked them for their time and referred a colleague they believed would be an excellent fit for the position and company.

This was a great move by the candidate because it informed us of their change in circumstances with a decent amount of notice, allowing us to remove them from consideration with enough time to schedule an interview with another applicant. Furthermore, writing a letter to the hiring manager demonstrated that the candidate valued their time and wanted to provide them with value in return by recommending someone else who could fill the role. While a live conversation is always appreciated, writing a letter to cancel an interview is always a good measure for record-keeping purposes. 

In this prime example of how to cancel an interview without burning a bridge, the candidate:

  • Was transparent about their change of circumstances,
  • Quickly informed us about their change of intentions,
  • Saved us time by recommending a colleague who could perform the role well.

Most professionals understand that circumstances change, especially those of us who work in staffing and recruiting. The best thing you can do when this happens during your interview process is to be upfront and proactively let the appropriate stakeholders know with as much notice as you can feasibly give. 

A bad example of how to cancel an interview

A candidate did not show up to a face-to-face interview with company X. The candidate had another interview scheduled for the following day with a different company, company Y. Although they worked at two separate companies, the hiring managers knew each other and had already communicated about the candidate. Company Y learned from Company X about the candidate’s no-show, and due to the candidate’s reported unprofessionalism with the first company, the hiring manager for Company Y canceled the candidate’s interview.

In this example, the candidate ghosted one interview in favor of another but burned himself on both opportunities because he didn’t consider the possibility that the hiring managers were connected. This happens more frequently than you might think! Some candidates may not realize that even in a big city, it can still be a small world, especially in niche industries or job types. 

When a candidate ghosts a prospective employer by not showing up to an interview or failing to communicate with them, it speaks volumes about the candidate—and not in a good way—and word can get around fast. It’s not just the employers, either. Third-party recruiting and staffing companies inform clients about these occurrences to keep them dialed into what is happening with their positions, applicants, and candidates. Always treat any company you’re communicating with in a way you’d be proud of if others were to hear about it. 

Tips on Withdrawing Gracefully

It’s best to let the employer know you’re not interested in moving forward as soon as you’ve made a decision. Don’t leave them hanging for days or weeks, even if you know they’re considering other candidates. You never know what decisions are being made behind the scenes, and it’s a professional courtesy to give them the information they need to proceed with their search for the best candidate. 

Choose the right channel

If you’ve been communicating with a hiring manager primarily via email, sending your notice electronically is okay. If you’re further along in the hiring process, have established a relationship or particularly strong rapport with the hiring manager, or if you previously talked to them on the phone when they made you an offer, it’s best to use a phone call to break the news. Do your best to reach them; avoid leaving the message in a voicemail. 

If you’ve been working with a recruiter in your job search, it’s fine to break the news to them and let them share it with the employer. Or, if you want to write a personal message to the hiring manager like the example we mentioned above, that works, too.  

Don’t overshare

It’s not necessary to give a reason for withdrawing from the process. If you decide to provide an explanation, present your reason simply without going into too much detail. “I’ve decided to accept another offer” or “After learning more, I’ve decided the role isn’t a fit for me” are perfectly good options. 

This is not a time to air your grievances about the job, company, or the interview process. If the employer wants this information, they’ll ask for it separately, using a candidate feedback survey sent via email. 

Stay professional

Always thank the hiring manager for the opportunity and note your appreciation for their time. Even if things didn’t go as you’d hoped or you were treated poorly, keep it professional on your end. As with our “bad” example earlier, you never know who you might have mutual contact with, and you want to maintain a positive reputation. You also never know when you might run into a hiring manager down the road, perhaps at a different company; people seem to have a way of popping into our lives later when we least expect it. 

Finally, there’s always the chance that you might want to apply with this company again under different circumstances, so it’s best not to eliminate that possibility with pettiness or rudeness. 

We hope these recommendations help you better understand how to withdraw from an interview process without causing lasting damage to your career and relationships with prospective employers.

Sample Interview Withdrawal Email

[Contact Name],

Thank you for considering me for [Position] with [Company]. After careful thought, I have decided to withdraw my application for the position. 

I appreciate you taking the time to tell me more about the role and the company and wish you success in your search for the right candidate. 

Kind regards, 

[Your Name]

On the other hand, do you need help confirming an interview? Check out these tips for what to include in a confirmation email for an interview!

Pete Newsome


Pete Newsome is the President of 4 Corner Resources, the staffing and recruiting firm he founded in 2005. 4 Corner is a member of the American Staffing Association and TechServe Alliance and has been Clearly Rated's top-rated staffing company in Central Florida for the past five years. Recent awards and recognition include being named to Forbes’ Best Recruiting Firms in America, The Seminole 100, and The Golden 100. Pete also founded zengig, to offer comprehensive career advice, tools, and resources for students and professionals. He hosts two podcasts, Hire Calling and Finding Career Zen, and is blazing new trails in recruitment marketing with the latest artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Connect with Pete on LinkedIn