Are Video Resumes the Way of the Future?

Since the dawn of time, or at least since the invention of pen and paper, people seeking work have followed a similar process when applying for a job. They write a resume and a cover letter and send them to an employer. Just as job seekers’ methods to apply for jobs haven’t changed much, the traditional resume hasn’t either.
The typewriter replaced the pen, and the computer replaced the typewriter. Email replaced hand-delivered resumes, and online job boards replaced email. But the format of resumes has remained essentially the same: writing or typing your employment history, education, key skills, and why you’re a good fit for the job. That is…until TikTok Resumes.
Will Video Resumes Be Required in the Future?
In a time when many industries are struggling with worker shortages, finding new ways to engage job seekers might make social media platforms, such as TikTok, effective tools for bringing in new employees. This is especially true for the younger Generation Z job seekers, among whom video platforms such as TikTok are already popular. This alone should entice employers to pay attention to the future trends in video resume technology and how it will potentially impact job postings.
Many colleges and universities have utilized video essays in their application processes for years, so the process isn’t new. But it isn’t something employers have used on nearly the scale that universities have. In fact, the TikTok video resume program is not even currently in use. It launched in July 2021, and TikTok invited only a few “select companies” to use the service. These employers included Chipotle, Target, WWE, Alo Yoga, Shopify, Contra, and Abercrombie & Fitch. Job seekers looking for entry-level and experienced positions could apply via video. The service only extended through the end of July, and it isn’t clear whether TikTok will resume the video resume program in the future or not.
Benefits of Video Resumes
That said, TikTok is likely only the beginning of the video resume. Other sites, such as Facebook and Snapchat, could be following suit. The reason is video resumes present an unquestionable upside to traditional resumes. We live in a time when video content is already a big part of how we communicate.
Transitioning that to resumes is only a natural extension of that process. The limited time to create a video resume forces applicants to be concise and to the point. This fits into how social media works now, utilizing short-form digital content because people want to quickly see what you have and then move on to something else.
1. Showcase personality
TikTok videos allow potential candidates to showcase who they are, not only what they’ve done. Traditional resumes and cover letters can tend to all look very similar, and most aren’t even read by a real person. Many companies and online search sites employ algorithms that scan for keywords and automatically discard those applicants whose resumes are missing them.
This process is great when you have 250 applicants and have to quickly narrow it down to three or four. But are they the best three or four? The downside of traditional resumes is that they don’t leave any room for an applicant’s personality to show through. Algorithms are immune to personal flair. A candidate who might never make it past the initial scan process using traditional methods could get noticed in the 3-minute video.
2. Demonstrate skills
Another advantage of TikTok resumes is that job seekers applying for public-facing, content creation, or digital media positions have a platform tailor-made for them to showcase their skills, personality, etc. Regardless of the position a candidate is applying for, video resumes give candidates a great opportunity over traditional resumes to showcase their skills in a format that is becoming increasingly more important in society.
Video has a distinct advantage over other forms of media, such as print or radio, in reaching target audiences. Video resumes are no different. Those who can successfully present themselves visually to employers can potentially increase their chances of getting hired.
The Disadvantages of Video Resumes
1. Older generations may find it difficult to navigate
Before employers jump in with both feet, though, they need to consider the potential pitfalls of video resumes. One obvious disadvantage is that although younger applicants have been immersed in all aspects of social media and would most likely be comfortable using an application process such as TikTok Resume, older applicants might not be that familiar with the technology and might find the process difficult. Thus, the older segment of job candidates would potentially be at a disadvantage, and employers might find seeking experienced candidates for higher-level positions harder to do using a video platform.
2. Applicant may not have access to necessary equipment
Another potential issue is that candidates from wealthier backgrounds might have access to better equipment and software to record and edit a compelling video resume. This could be a distinct disadvantage to the candidates who are just trying to get something out there and don’t have access to quality equipment or the ability to present a video that looks polished or professional in the eyes of a hiring manager. This creates a potential issue regardless of the content of the video.
3. Potential hiring bias
Another potential downside to video resumes is that they could result in an upturn in discrimination when hiring. Getting to know an applicant on paper gives an employer a sense of who that applicant is before seeing them. They can see the candidate’s education. They can see the certifications the candidate has earned. And they can see whether the candidate has an impressive employment history.
Applicants who look good on paper will catch the eye of employers sight unseen. On the other hand, video resumes present the person first, giving the hiring manager information about the person’s race, ethnicity, gender identification, sexual orientation, disability status, and other factors that might generate bias in hiring and expose businesses to the risk of damaging lawsuits.
4. Can be difficult to check employment history
Employers might also find it difficult to conduct a background check on an applicant based on a video resume. Without a hard copy of employment history on a resume, hiring managers will have to get that information from watching the video. If the candidate’s voice or accent makes them hard to understand, it could make it challenging for employers to identify workplaces, former supervisors, or other key details about work history.
Wil Video Resumes Stick Around?
Regarding the question as to whether or not TikTok or video resumes are here to stay, the answer is most likely yes. Technology will continue to advance, and we will use the tools at our disposal to advance it. Whereas recruitment used to be done with paper resumes and employers sifting through them by hand, we can see the progression to more digitized and virtual processes. If it isn’t TikTok, it will be another social media platform that innovates how job seekers apply for new jobs and opportunities.
Traditional text-based resumes in the recruiting process are not going away any time soon. Both applicants and recruiters will more likely use traditional resumes and videos as part of the process. Employers can give job seekers an option for which method is more comfortable. But video is part of the emerging technological shift and will continue to integrate deeper into many aspects of our lives. Video resumes are just one piece of that.
Will Virtual Resumes Replace Conventional Resumes?
TikTok resumes could be the first step in video job applications that will eventually replace conventional resumes. But platforms like TikTok must continue to be aware of the goal of this new recruiting technology, which is to make it easier for candidates to find the best opportunities that fit their skills and experience, without creating new barriers. There are some kinks to work out before video resumes can achieve that.
Even though using video platforms in the recruiting process comes with inevitable problems and hurdles, the value of reaching the workforce demographics of tomorrow will make it a worthwhile effort. As more and more applicants use video technology to apply for jobs, companies specializing in video and mixed-media resumes will emerge to help candidates put together quality presentations, helping to make video resumes the way of the future.
Related: Do You Need a Digital Resume?