150+ Resume Action Verbs Recruiters Want to See

The right choice of words can transform your resume from a boring, generic document into an exciting, impressive read. How do you do it? With resume action verbs! Power-packed words convey your accomplishments and differentiate you from other candidates.
What Are Action Verbs?
If all the words on your resume were characters in a movie, action verbs would be the stars. The other words would be extras in the background, doing ordinary things like walking down the street or waiting in line. On the other hand, action verbs would be the ones doing the exciting stunts and saying all the clever catchphrases.
Action verbs describe doing something–she jumped out of her seat when the quarterback threw the football, for example. They differ from ‘being’ verbs that don’t show any action, like is or are.
Action verbs make for more powerful writing. To demonstrate, take this example sentence that uses a being verb:
Steve was late to the meeting.
Okay, so we know Steve didn’t show up on time. But here’s a different version of the sentence using action verbs.
Steve rushed into the meeting and spilled his coffee as he stumbled into his seat.
It doesn’t even say outright that Steve was late, but the reader can instantly tell he’s in a hurry and flustered as a result.
Action verbs make it easy to picture exactly what’s going on, with added context you don’t get from being verbs.
Why Should You Use Action Verbs on Your Resume?
Using action verbs on your resume conveys your accomplishments accurately and positions you in the best possible light as a candidate.
Action verbs are highly descriptive, which makes them ideal for use on a resume where you’re trying to pack a lot of meaning in a limited space. They show what you did in more specific, impressive terms than a generic verb.
They also provide additional information. Depending on which action verb you choose, they can communicate urgency, speed, importance, and more, which is useful when you’re trying to showcase certain qualifications. Instead of saying you completed a project, which is pretty basic, you might say you directed it to show leadership, brainstormed it to show creative thinking, or streamlined it to show project management skills.
Finally, action verbs are more exciting to read. When you’re competing against dozens of candidates with similar credentials, there will be a lot of repetition in the resumes. Action verbs help yours stand out and capture the interest of a busy hiring manager.
Resume Action Verbs to Help You Stand Out
Ready to power up your resume language? Here are 150+ action verbs to help you out. We’ve grouped them by skill type to help you quickly find the perfect word.
Action verbs for working on a project
- Administered
- Arranged
- Built
- Conducted
- Devised
- Enhanced
- Established
- Executed
- Facilitated
- Founded
- Implemented
- Initiated
- Instituted
- Launched
- Managed
- Navigated
- Oversaw
- Planned
- Ran
- Shaped
- Spearheaded
Action verbs for problem-solving
- Adjusted
- Formulated
- Mediated
- Modernized
- Overcame
- Overhauled
- Rebuilt
- Reimagined
- Repaired
- Resolved
- Revamped
- Simplified
- Solved
- Streamlined
- Strengthened
- Transformed
- Transitioned
Action verbs for creative work
- Authored
- Brainstormed
- Composed
- Conceived
- Conceptualized
- Crafted
- Created
- Curated
- Customized
- Designed
- Developed
- Drafted
- Drew
- Edited
- Experimented
- Illustrated
- Introduced
- Invented
- Outlined
- Pitched
- Produced
Action verbs for customer service
- Addressed
- Advised
- Assisted
- Clarified
- Consulted
- Counseled
- Demonstrated
- Empathized
- Guided
- Informed
- Listened
- Recommended
- Referred
- Responded
Action verbs for technical work
- Activated
- Debugged
- Diagnosed
- Engineered
- Mapped
- Modeled
- Monitored
- Parsed
- Programmed
- Quantified
- Repaired
- Restored
Action verbs for research and data
- Analyzed
- Assessed
- Certified
- Compiled
- Determined
- Discovered
- Evaluated
- Examined
- Explored
- Inspected
- Interpreted
- Investigated
- Predicted
- Projected
- Studied
- Verified
- Visualized
Action verbs for working on a team
- Adapted
- Aided
- Assisted
- Collaborated
- Cooperated
- Integrated
- Organized
- Partnered
- Represented
- Resolved
- Strategized
- Unified
- United
- Volunteered
Action verbs for leading others
- Coached
- Delegated
- Directed
- Encouraged
- Enforced
- Guided
- Inspired
- Instructed
- Led
- Mobilized
- Motivated
- Oversaw
- Pioneered
- Supervised
- Trained
Action verbs for persuasion
- Advocated
- Assured
- Campaigned
- Championed
- Convinced
- Educated
- Influenced
- Proved
- Sold
Action verbs for achievements
- Accomplished
- Achieved
- Attained
- Delivered
- Earned
- Exceeded
- Executed
- Expedited
- Mastered
- Maximized
- Outperformed
- Realized
- Showcased
- Surpassed
- Won
As you choose words from this list, remember that not all action verbs pack an equal punch. Though the word participated is technically an action verb, it’s a pretty weak one. A word like collaborated, supported, or facilitated would be a stronger choice. Before sending in your application, scan your resume for weak verbs that could be replaced with more powerful ones.